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Spring Semester

The 'invertebrates' represent a species-rich and morphologically diverse group of metazoans. These animals without a backbone are also recognized for their impressive disparity in terms of habitats and lifestyles. All species that have colonized dissimilar environments show varying but remarkable degrees of specialization to their habitats. 'Invertebrate Biology' is an introductory course to the form, function, integrative ecology and evolution of animal biodiversity that focuses in organisms lacking a backbone.


Fall Semesters (every other year)

'Molecular Phylogenetics and The Comparative Method' is an introductory course to topics at the core of evolutionary theory and the study of animal biodiversity. This course has two general topics: (1) Molecular Phylogenetics. Here, we will provide answers to the following questions: What are the best strategies for the alignment of multiple sequences? How to select a proper model of sequence evolution? What are the analyses most commonly used for phylogenetic inference?, How to analyze multiple genetic markers at the same time? In the second general topic: (2) The Comparative Method, we provide answers to the following questions: How we can test for correlations among different (continuous or categorical) species traits while correcting for phylogenetic effects? Can we reconstruct the ancestral history of particular traits in a phylogeny? There is a molecular clock and can we estimate diverge times among species and clades? What is the rate of diversification of particular clades comprising a phylogeny and how we test for the effect of specific traits on diversification?


Fall Semester (Occasional)

This course provide students with a detailed view of the different stages during the job searching process. The course permit students to gain experience preparing the different components of an academic application package.


Curso dictado ocasionalmente en Ingles y/o Espanhol  en diferentes paises de Latinoamerica, incluidos Chile, Argentina, Brazil y Costa Rica.

Occasional - Different Countries


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Department of Biological Sciences, 132 Long Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA

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